
Sale of Data

Seismic Data

Below are prices for data bought on an ad hoc basis. In the event of a competitive bid round, the price will reflect the fact that companies are required to pay a bid eligibility fee. That fee would therefore bear no resemblance to the prices quoted below.


  • Streamer Data- US $215 per sq km
  • Ocean Bottom Cable- US $325 sq km


  • 1980-Present: Streamer Data- US $125 per line km
  • Before 1980: Streamer-US $60 per line km

Well Data

  • Well Data including Logs and basic reports- US$ 16000 per well
  • Log Data only- US $12000 per well
  • Reports only- US $6000 per well (reports include final well report, palaeontology, geochemistry, well test reports.