The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago (GoRTT) approved the conduct of a National Wind Resource Assessment Programme (WRAP) for Trinidad and Tobago. The main objective of this project is the promotion of the productive use of renewable energy to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to diversify the local energy portfolio mix for power generation. The development of a wind farm in Trinidad and Tobago is one step towards developing a low carbon society. It is against this backdrop that the GoRTT is interested in undertaking a wind resource assessment for Trinidad and Tobago. A detailed evaluation of the wind system is required to facilitate steps associated with the design and layout of a wind farm, enabling accurate energy yield and financial projections.
The WRAP which comprises three (3) phases will be conducted over a period of approximately 20 months, where one of the key outputs is the identification of 5 candidate sites for wind farm development. The GoRTT will then be seeking to attract potential investors and project developers.