With respect to creating an enabling environment, it has been recognized that ensuring appropriate product and technical standards and certification is crucial for building a successful Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency industry. The Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS) has collaborated with the MEEI to undertake the following.
Revision of the National Electrical Wiring Code
An Electrical Wiring Code Committee (EWCC) Renewable Energy sub-committee was convened on January 25th, 2011. This committee is chaired by the Board of Engineering, with members from the Ministry of Energy and Energy Affairs (MEEA), Trinidad and Tobago Bureau of Standards (TTBS), Trinidad and Tobago Electricity Commission (T&TEC), University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT), Regulated Industries Commission (RIC), Electrical Inspectorate Division, as well as private stakeholders. The purpose of this committee is to address compatibility issues involving RE power generation systems and potential integration with the national grid. As a result, a revision of the electrical wiring code to include a Part III for RE has been completed and the document published. Demonstration projects have also been commissioned which involves utilizing PV systems with grid tie inverters to test operating conditions. These are located at the T&TEC Mount Hope Headquarters and the University of Trinidad and Tobago (UTT) O’Meara Campus.
i. Development of Technical Standards for Solar Water Heaters (SWHs)Standard TTS 106:2012:, “Solar water heater systems – Design and installation requirements” has been published in 2012. . It specifies requirements for designing and installing solar water heater systems in Trinidad and Tobago, including requirements for system performance, operation and servicing, safety, reliability and durability. The standard also specifies certain obligations as to the characteristics of the individual solar water heater components.
ii. Standard TTS/EN 12975-1:2012: “Thermal solar systems and components – Solar collectors – Part 1: General requirements” will be published shortly. It is similar to European standard “EN 12975-1 Solar thermal systems and components – Solar collectors – Part 1: General requirements”. Like its European model, the regulation stipulates requirements on durability, reliability and safety for solar collectors with liquid heating.
iii. Additionally, a Public Specification for materials for SWH collectors is currently being finalized.