For Investors

Trinidad and Tobago Shallow Water Competitive Bid Round 2018

Trinidad and Tobago Shallow Water Competitive Bid Round 2018 – Update

The Bid Round was closed on May 20th, 2019 and three (3) Bids were received as follows:

    • Block U(c) – BP Exploration Operating Company Limited/BG International Limited
    • Block 4(c) – BP Exploration Operating Company Limited/BG International Limited
    • Block LRL – BP Exploration Operating Company Limited/BG International Limited

A Cabinet appointed committee is currently evaluating the received Bids.

Trinidad and Tobago Shallow Water Competitive Bid Round 2018 – Bidding Information

Last updated May 13 2019 at 2:42 pm

The Government of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago invites stakeholders’ participation in its Shallow Water Competitive Bid Round 2018. This bid round contains six (6) offshore shallow water blocks, namely, Block 4(c), Block U(c), Lower Reverse L, NCMA 2, NCMA 3, and Block 1(b), located off the eastern, northern and western coasts of Trinidad.

Shallow Water Competitive Bid Round Map 2018

The Shallow Water Bid Round was opened on November 8th, 2018 and will run for six (6) months with the deadline for submission of bids being 12 noon on May 20th, 2019.

Successful bids will be announced six (6) months following the close of bidding.

Competitive Bidding Order (CBO)
The Petroleum Regulation (Shallow Water Competitive Bidding) Order, 2018 and the Petroleum Regulations (Shallow Water Competitive Bidding) (Amendment) Order 2019 outline the requirements of bid submission, the description and maps of the blocks, the summary bid form, and the point system used to evaluate bids.

Model Production Sharing Contract (PSC)
These shallow water blocks will be governed by Production Sharing Contract (PSC) agreements. The Model Production Sharing Contract (May 2019) ensures operations are carried out to international standards and that all parties receive a fair share of revenues generated by the extraction and disposal of crude oil and natural gas. The Model PSC has been updated to reflect recent regulatory and economic changes.

Data Package
For participation in this Shallow Water Competitive Bid Round 2018 a pre-bid fee of USD $40,000 entitles the interested party to a data package which includes information on all six (6) blocks, detailed in the following Data Package Listing provided to interested parties to aid in their evaluation of the acreage.

Persons are required to execute a Data Use Agreement to obtain access to the Data Package. Further details on the process involved in obtaining this Data Package are outlined in the following Procedure for Obtaining a Data Package.

This data package also contains the following additional documents:

Model Joint Operating Agreement

Local Content and Local Participation Framework

Trinidad and Tobago Onshore & Offshore Activity Map

Virtual Data Room
The Ministry has collaborated with Zebra Data Sciences Ltd. (ZDS) to display a portion of the technical data for the Bid Round (i.e. well, seismic, etc.) in an online Virtual Data Room (VDR) or EZ Data Room.

Other Useful Links
East Coast Marine Area

North Coast Marine Area

West Coast and Onshore

Data Package Map (April 2019)

Frequently Asked Questions – Trinidad and Tobago Shallow Water Bid Round

Contact Us:

Andra Francis-Nicholas
Senior Geophysicist (Ag.)
(868) 225-4334 ext. 2371

Kimberlee London
Senior Geologist (Ag.)
(868) 225-4334 ext. 2360

Louise Poy Wing
Senior State Counsel
(868) 225-4334 ext. 2552

Jodi Basdeo
Senior Energy Commercial Analyst
(868) 225-4334 ext. 2529